Whether your child is over-coached, under-coached, or in between, I'm the one you go to when a runner wants to improve!

Football has quarterback and kicking specialists, baseball has pitching specialists, and the sport of running has me!

Initial Session is 90 minutes for $150

After 4 additional meetings of 60-90 minutes, a special discounted monthly rate is offered, once it's proven that the athlete is serious and committed.

This is common in many school programs, though "undertrained" is really a term relative to each individual.  Running is a difficult sport, but at the same time, a sport where kids that aren't as team-sport oriented end up, many unwillingly. Sometimes their parents sign them up for it, and sometimes it's something a kid really wants to do, and each program has kids who wish to do the bare minumum (or less) and those who want more.  Many coaches keep things very simple and may not offer much outside of their own ken.  This is where parents get involved and search for an expert in the sport.  

my child is undertrained

Middle School & high school Cross Country & running Specialist

want to know about me?

how i can help your child!

I provide knowledge and insights that one can only gain from an experienced coach who is, and has been, a racer at every age from 14 and up.  Simple things such as learning efficient running form and mechanics can provide a massive advantage to any runner, and in a short amount of time.  Knowing when to run hard and when to go easy, how to breathe at different running efforts, can also lead to immediate, considerable gains.

Most importantly, I can help to ensure a runner's success within the parameters of the school program

During the season, pre-season, or whenever needed.  We can prepare in advance before a season, or learn little helpful bits each week during a season. Pre-season will see 

While unfortunate, this is perfectly normal and accepted in today's society.  Many schools' running coaches are hired from existing staff within a school, often on the basis of "you ran a race once, you can coach runners."  This hiring practice keeps kids with trusted individuals, but often limits the coaching talent pool due to not bringing in outsiders. Sometimes you get fantastic, positive, knowledgeable, driven individuals, sometimes you get something else. It's important to remember, however, that this coach is doing his/her best to provide the opportunity for a season to take place for the kids. Such an opportunity might not exist otherwise, so always be thankful and respectful to the coach(es) for that, at least. Also keep in mind that even though there might be a very small stipend paid to the coach, the amount of time they put in for the kids, the arrangements, the meets, the results and everything else involved, they make anywhere from negative amounts to way less than minimum wage per hour.  Remember to be kind, and that you don't need to pass on frustration to the coach for things being too simple; they do the best with what they know. 

when is the best time to hire me?

what are the costs associated with this?


I'm no ordinary running coach; nor does your child require another one. I am an expert level coach who has achieved mastery in the sport as both coach and competitor. You are here because your child is, or desires to be, a higher achiever in the sport of Running, Cross Country, or at distances of 800m and up in Track, and I can convey years of knowledge and experience in just a few sessions.  Having worked alongside middle school, high school and collegiate programs, I have witnessed the deficiencies which many programs have in common, often due to the simple fact that their coach doesn't run or compete, never did, or hasn't been in the sport in decades. After age 10 or so, it becomes increasingly difficult to coach one's own child, and it's at this point a parent should consider bringing in a specialist.  The earlier in one's running career, the better.

I am a rare combination of runner and coach.  I have been running and competing in running since 1989.  Inspired by my own coach, I returned to coach at my alma mater shortly after graduating high school in 1993.  I have competed every year since I started, and I still train and compete at National and World Championships, traversing the globe to do so.  Visit the About Me section if you wish to learn more. 

My child's coach doesn't seem to know much

why hire me?

This always saddens me, but good news, it can be prevented.  Injury can be the result of a multitude of things. Mostly, it boils down to one, or a combo of the following factors that I call: Too Much, Too Fast, Too Soon.  Too much mileage or minutes, too much added on from week to week, too many miles on shoes, running too fast too often, or doing it too soon with regards to gender, physical maturity, or total number of years running. Those are the great destroyers of a runner and his/her season. All of this is preventable, though.

Running is a sport that introduces millions of pounds of pressure slamming into the ground, with the shock being sent throughout the body. Running fitness is NOT something that can be purchased on Amazon Prime and delivered within the hour.  It should be a worthwhile start from scratch and very gradual buildup so the body adapts and can continue to handle the stresses placed on it. 

Programs can often be demanding or varsity-focused, causing other runners to fall by the wayside and work too hard all the time.  This will break or even ruin a runner, first physically, then mentally.  Other programs may have what looks like a successful program, but fail to look at the individual and keep apprised of fatigue and potential injury because of an outdated "no pain, no gain" policy. Boys, equipped with testosterone, can be especially susceptible to "racing in practice," where every single day is a hard effort, and quickly succumb to injury since their bodies cannot handle the pounding they're giving it without recovery.  Since girls develop at a different rate than boys, with regard to growth plates and musculature, one most also take that into consideration when developing a training plan.  

 480-444-8841   |   flash.santoro@gmail.com   |