480-444-8841   |   flash.santoro@gmail.com   |


This is a really cool opportunity to get kids away from the video games, off the couch, and outside doing something healthy!

Kids LOVE running, almost from the moment they learn how to do it. The dream behind the Kids Running Arizona series is to start kids on a path to a lifetime of enjoyment of the sport. Running can be a huge confidence builder, a way to improve coordination, an aid for asthma, and lends itself well to those who don’t know what sport they want to do yet, or those preparing for other sports.
The series is open to everyone, from ages 2 through 8th grade, all abilities, and features age-appropriate race distances in a fun, encouraging environment. It will take place Saturdays, from October 14-November 4 at Desert Foothills Park. Visit the website for complete details! https://kidsrunarizona.com/  or register today! PLEASE REGISTER IN ADVANCE.

Kids Running Arizona Series October/November 2023 - Race Days

Race dates and times:

Saturdays 9 AM- noon - October 14, 21, 28 November 4. 2023
Age groups and distances are as follows:
2-3 year olds: 40 yd dash
Pre-K 4-5 year olds: 60m
Kindergarten: 400m dash
First Grade: 400m dash
Grade 2-3: 800m run
Grade 4-5: 1500m or 1 mile run
Grade 6-8: 1500m or 1 mile run
Parents: 1500m or 1 mile run 

1010 Marketplace Way SW, Phoenix, AZ 85048 in the lower area